What to Expect After Tubal Reversal Surgery

A tubal ligation prevents pregnancy by blocking or sealing the fallopian tubes so that eggs can’t pass through them. It’s intended to be a permanent form of birth control, but some women find that they want to try to conceive even though they previously had their tubes tied.
If you had a tubal ligation but decide you want to have the procedure reversed, this may be possible by having tubal reversal surgery. In this procedure, which is also called tubal reanastomosis, the blocked segments of the fallopian tubes are rejoined to allow eggs to pass through. If you’re considering this procedure, it’s natural to want to know what to expect after tubal reversal surgery.
Before the Procedure
Before the procedure is done, your doctor determines if you have a good chance of getting pregnant if the procedure is reversed. Several different factors are considered such as your age, your body mass index (BMI) and whether there are any problems that might cause infertility such as endometriosis or uterine fibroids. The type of tubal ligation that was done is also considered along with whether there’s enough healthy fallopian tube segments left to successfully reconnect. The health of your partner’s sperm is also considered,
The Procedure
This type of surgery is an outpatient procedure that usually takes about two to three hours. The blocked ends of the fallopian tubes are opened and reconnected. Dye is run through the tubes to confirm that the tubes are open. You’ll stay in the hospital for an hour or two after surgery and then you’ll be able to go home. You may have some discomfort at the incision site and you may have to rest for a week or two after surgery before returning to work.
Pregnancy After Tubal Reversal
Talk to your doctor about how soon you can start trying to get pregnant again after the incision has healed. Some women are able to conceive within a few months after surgery while others may take a year or more. There’s no guarantee that having a tubal reversal will result in a successful pregnancy, but women under the age of 35 have between 50 and 80 percent chance of becoming pregnant within the first two years after this type of surgery. Your chance of getting pregnant decreases with age and is typically less than 50 percent if you’re over the age of 40.
There’s a slightly increased risk of having an ectopic pregnancy once you’ve had this type of surgery. This means the fertilized egg could implant in the fallopian tube rather than the uterus.
Working With a Fertility Specialist
Tubal reversal may allow you to attain pregnancy without using fertility drugs. In vitro fertilization is another option that may help you to get pregnant after having your tubes tied. The best way to decide which is the best option for you is by talking to the fertility experts at the Center for Reproductive Health. Schedule an appointment for a consultation today.