How to Maintain Good Reproductive Health

Many women give little thought about how to maintain good reproductive health, but it’s important to be proactive about taking care of this complex system. Many couples encounter challenges when trying to conceive, and may not realize that unhealthy lifestyle choices can have a negative effect on reproductive health.
The experts at the California Center for Reproductive Health help people learn about what they can do to be proactive about their reproductive health. What do you need to do to take care of your body, including your reproductive system?
Prevent or Treat STDs
Preventive care is an important part of taking care of your reproductive health. Having a regular gynecological examination is the best way to be sure routine screenings are done to ensure early detection of infections and illnesses.
Untreated sexually transmitted diseases can cause permanent damage to your fallopian tubes and uterus. Since STDs like gonorrhea and chlamydia may not cause symptoms and are a leading cause of infertility, taking care of your reproductive health means doing whatever you can to prevent contracting them.
Condoms reduce the risk of contracting an infection but don’t offer total protection, so sexual activity should be limited to a committed relationship with a partner who isn’t infected. If you do contract an STD, treatment should be started immediately.
Healthy Lifestyle Choices
Lifestyle choices have a big impact on your overall health, including your reproductive health. One of the first places to look is at the foods you’re consuming. Be sure to include healthy, nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, and whole grains along with protein from lean meats or plant-based protein sources such as quinoa, tofu, or lentils. Limit caffeine and processed foods.
Work on being at a healthy weight since being either underweight or overweight can affect ovulation. It’s important to include physical activity in your life. Exercise can increase your strength and relieve stress, but don’t overdo it since over-exercising may inhibit ovulation.
Smoking is one of the most harmful things you can do to your body. Don’t smoke and if you’re a smoker, make it a priority to quit. Limit your consumption of alcohol or other substances and avoid exposure to toxins. Sleep can have a big impact on your overall health, so also try to get on a regular sleep schedule.
Know your own body and pay attention to signals your body may give you that something isn’t quite right. Talk to your doctor about signs that concern you such as fatigue, loss of appetite, or changes in your menstrual cycle
Reproductive Health and Infertility
Your reproductive health is important, whether you’re trying to get pregnant now or sometime in the future. When you do decide to get pregnant, you may find that getting pregnant isn’t always easy. Infertility is a very common problem, and there are many reasons couples struggle with being unable to conceive. While there are some factors that are beyond your control, there are some things you can do to make sure your reproductive system is as healthy as possible. Contact our office to work with our experts on developing and maintaining good reproductive health today.