How is a Tubal Ligation Reversal Done?

Women who have their tubes tied believe they won’t want more children. Many find after some time passes that they’d like to have the procedure reversed so they can try to get pregnant. If you’re considering a tubal ligation reversal, you probably have a lot of questions such as “How is a tubal ligation reversal done?” At the Center for Reproductive Health, expert microsurgical techniques are used in a state-of-the-art facility to reverse all types of tubal ligations.
Determining if You’re a Good Candidate
Before having the procedure, your doctor evaluates whether you’re a good candidate for the procedure. One of the most important considerations is your age since women over 40 may not have good egg quality. The health of your partner’s sperm is considered as well as the type of tubal ligation that was done, how much healthy tube remains and whether you have other problems that may make getting pregnant difficult such as uterine fibroids or endometriosis.
Surgical Procedure
A tubal ligation reversal is an outpatient procedure that usually takes a couple of hours. You should be able to go home the same day. General anesthesia is administered so you’ll be asleep during the procedure. A minilaparotomy is done, which means an incision is made just below the pubic hair line and above the pubic bone so that your surgeon can access your fallopian tubes. Special magnifying glasses are used to allow the surgeon to clearly visualize the tubes.
Microsurgical techniques are used to remove the damaged portion of your fallopian tubes along with any clips or bands that may have been used to block the tubes and the blocked ends of each tube is opened carefully. Once the damaged segments have been removed, the open ends of the tubes can be reattached using tiny sutures in the middle layer of each tube. This is done to prevent the formation of scar tissue on either the inside or outside of the tube. Sterile dye is run through the tubes to make sure the reattachment has been successful.
Laparoscopic Surgery
Another approach to tubal ligation reversal is done by using a robotically assisted laparoscopic technique. Using this approach, a fiber optic camera is inserted through a tiny incision to allow the surgeon to view the tubes. The surgeon is able to get a three dimensional view of the area and can instruct the robot in performing the tubal reversal. The use of a robot provides stability and prevents any shaking of the hands, and the fiber optic camera provides an enhanced view.
Once the tubes have been reattached, incisions are closed using dissolvable sutures. A bandage is placed over the surgery site. You remain in recovery for an hour or more and then you’ll be able to go home.
Your surgeon provides clear instructions on what to expect during the recovery period. You may have to avoid sex and heavy lifting for a few days, and you may be able to conceive in a year or two after surgery. To find out whether a tubal ligation reversal is a good option for you, reach out to the experts at the Center for Reproductive Health.