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I Want My Tubes Tied: What Are My Options?

Tubal ligation gives you nearly a 100% guarantee that you won’t get pregnant. It can be an attractive contraceptive option because it doesn’t alter your hormones or require anything on your part. There are no pills to take or devices to insert.

Tubal ligation is permanent and only recommended when a woman has decided her family is complete. At the California Center for Reproductive Health, our fertility specialists Eliran Mor, MD, and Irene Woo, MD, often treat women who have changed their minds after having tubal ligations and wish to have children.

While our team is experienced and talented when it comes to performing tubal reversals, some cases are easier than others. This is often due to the technique used for the original tubal ligation.

You may be certain now that you don’t want any more children, but circumstances can change. Here are your options when it comes to getting your tubes tied and what to consider when considering each option.

What is tubal ligation?

Tubal ligation is known as “getting your tubes tied” because it refers to blocking off the fallopian tubes, thin passageways that connect your ovaries to your uterus. An unfertilized egg travels through the fallopian tubes to meet up with a sperm. When the fallopian tubes are blocked or cut, the sperm and egg never meet.

What are the types of tubal ligation?

There are many ways in which to perform a tubal ligation. These are some of the most common:

Bipolar coagulation

This is the most popular way to perform a tubal ligation. It involves using an electrical current to seal off sections of the fallopian tube.

Tube damage only involves about 2-3 centimeters of the organ, so reversal is easier.

Irving procedure

This form of tubal ligation removes a segment of the fallopian tubes surrounded by two sutures. The ends of the fallopian tube connect back to the uterus and other connective tissue. Because two healthy fallopian tube sections remain intact, reversal is usually successful.

Monopolar coagulation

This form is less common than bipolar coagulation. It also uses an electrical current to seal the tubes together, but the current travels farther along the tube and causes more damage. As a result, reversal of this method is usually more difficult to achieve.

Tubal clips and rings

This form of tubal ligation uses a clip or ring to seal off the fallopian tube. These methods have a high success rate when it comes to reversal and are considered safe and effective when the goal is to prevent pregnancy.

Pomeroy tubal ligation

During a Pomeroy tubal ligation, part of your fallopian tube is cut off and strangled with a suture. The affected part is then cut and burned to prevent a pathway for an egg’s travel. This form of tubal ligation can usually be reversed.

Deciding to have your tubes tied is a serious decision. While our team at California Center for Reproductive Health is skilled at reversing the procedure, it’s not always easy.

If you have questions about tubal ligation and its effects on your long-term fertility, call one of our offices in Encino, Valencia, Alhambra, or West Hollywood, California, to set up an appointment. Alternatively, reach out via this website.

Eliran Mor, MD

Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Encino, Santa Monica, Valencia & West Hollywood, CA
Reproductive Endocrinologist located in Encino, Valencia & West Hollywood, CA Doctor Mor received his medical degree from Tel Aviv University-Sackler School of Medicine in Israel. He completed a four-year residency in Obstetrics and Gynecology at New York Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn, New York. Subsequently, Dr. Mor completed a three-year fellowship in Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility […]